I am going through a real tough spot in my life and received a letter from a woman full of assumptions..I read it and became sad, cried and then became angry and cried even more... But then something happened.. I realized how many times in a day, week and month I assume the worst in people. How many times I think I know why they did what they did, said what they said and of course the pride wells up in my mind that says "I would never do or say what they did.."
"Nobody knows what we are for only what we are against when we judge the wounded.."
These words stick in my mind. I realized the letter I got was from someone who is wounded and feels hurt by my actions, I realized that when wounded the cries of our hearts come to the surface whether we want them to or not. I realized that me striking back makes matters worse not better. So I drop my sword that is sharp with cutting words and more assumptions and my inward desire to prove my points and my reasoning for my actions. I lay it down and look up, thankful for God's grace and mercy and realize dropping the sword and not retaliating takes more strength than assuming... That dropping the stones and turning away instead of casting them at others is the better choice. That really the only thing that matters is what God thinks of me, though hard right now..it's gonna be okay...